
Design and improve assistive technologies to significantly enhance accessibility for individuals with visual, hearing, or mobility impairments.
Presently, accessibility for individuals with visual, hearing, or mobility impairments is limited due to insufficient assistive technologies. There is a pressing need to design and improve these technologies to significantly enhance inclusivity. By addressing the current gaps, the aim is to empower individuals with disabilities, providing them with better tools to navigate and engage with the world more seamlessly.

Build technology solutions aimed at promoting mental health and well-being by offering support and resources for individuals experiencing mental health challenges.
The current state of mental health support lacks adequate technology solutions, leaving individuals facing mental health challenges with limited resources. To address this, there is a crucial need to build and implement technology solutions dedicated to promoting mental well being. By offering accessible support and resources, the goal is to empower individuals, fostering a healthier and more supportive environment for mental health.

Develop a technological infrastructure to enable remote healthcare services and telemedicine, thereby extending healthcare accessibility to individuals residing in remote or underserved regions.
Nowadays, many individuals in remote or underserved regions lack access to essential healthcare services. The existing infrastructure falls short in providing remote healthcare and telemedicine solutions. There is a critical need to develop a technological infrastructure that enables these services, ensuring healthcare accessibility reaches individuals in distant or underserved areas, promoting overall well-being and timely medical assistance.

Create a wearable device solution to effectively monitor and manage an individual's personal health.
In the existing scenario, personal health monitoring lacks an effective and comprehensive wearable device solution. Many individuals face challenges in efficiently managing their health due to a lack of accessible and integrated monitoring technologies. There is a compelling need to create a wearable device solution that empowers individuals to monitor and manage their personal health seamlessly, providing real-time data and actionable insights for improved well being.

Develop a machine learning or deep learning framework to automatically detect and highlight medicines within handwritten doctor prescriptions.
Currently, handwritten doctor prescriptions pose challenges in identifying and highlighting specific medicines, leading to potential errors and delays. The existing system lacks an automated solution, relying heavily on manual interpretation. To address this, there is a critical need to develop a machine learning or deep learning framework that can automatically detect and highlight medicines within handwritten prescriptions, ensuring accuracy, efficiency, and reducing the risk of medication errors.

Participants are open to come up with a problem statement in the Healthcare domain by themselves and develop an innovative solution.